
+675 75232315


School Uniforms are part of the student's idendity and pride towards their learning. SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY are as follows:

  1. School issued uniforms must be worn everyday from Monday to Friday.
  2. Dressing must be neat with shoes (black shoes and white socks). No tongs or slippers will be allowed in school.
  3. School bags must be used to carry books, lunch and other learning kits to and from school.
  4. No torn or broken uniforms are to be worn to school.
  5. Students who do not wear proper uniforms will NOT be allowed into class.
    Every Friday will be Socialization Day [SD]. Students will come in SD wears. Students will be grouped into SD House colours after enrolment. SD T-Shirts are also sold at School. Refer Price List

    SCHOOL TIMES (2021)

    Schooling Instruction Hours are: Kindergarten to Grade 2 [8:00am-01:30pm). Grade 3 to Grade 12 (8:00am to 3:00pm).
    School Bus Drop Offs begins 20 Minutes after the finishing time.


    The school provides curriculum materials such as text books, science equipment, computers and kindergarten and preschool basic learning aids, and stationeries. Parents are also asked to support their children by buying stationeries to bring to school and use for learning.


    Parents are encouraged to prepare own lunch for their children. School Canteen sells basic snacks and drinks. Canteen Price List will be provided at the start of the school.